【1】New & Additional Rebate Account: Guidelines and Procedures - Ver. 2024.08
Kindly refer to the following step-by-step explanation for the complete procedure of rebate account opening:
Step 1 Client Expresses Interest in Becoming an IB
- The client indicates to the sales team their interest in becoming an IB.
Step 2 Sales Team Contacts OP Team
- Upon receiving the client's interest, the sales team contacts the OP team to initiate the application process.
Step 3 OP Review Client's Registration Record
- OP check the client's registration status and takes appropriate action based on the result:
a. Registered Client:
* OP upgrade the client to IB status
* OP complete account audit, including adding and uploading agreements, assigning rebate account(s), and setting initial commissions
b. Unregistered Client (Option 1):
* Sales team assists the client with registration
* OP upgrade the client to IB status
* OP complete account audit (as above)
c. Unregistered Client (Option 2):
* Sales team registers the client as an "External User"
* OP complete account audit (as above)
Step 4 Confirmation Notification Sent to Client
- OP send an agreement confirmation notification via the client's IB Portal.
Step 5 Client Confirms Agreement
- The client confirms the agreement in their IB Portal.
Step 6 IB Agreement Available for View and Download
- After confirmation, the client can view agreement details, commission rules, and download the agreement document in the IB Portal.
Kindly refer to the following step-by-step explanation for the client operation process and status (first IB rebate account):
Step 1 Client Receives Login Information (Follow-up from Complete Process Step 4 above)
- Once OP complete the IB agreement dispatch and rebate account setup, the client will receive a confirmation email containing the login information.
Step 2 Client Logs into the Client Portal
- After logging into the client portal, the client can switch the language using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.
Step 3 Client Confirms IB Agreement
- After logging in, the client will see a pop-up notification.
- The client should click the "Agree" button after confirming that the agreement is correct.
- If there are any questions, the client can contact their account manager for assistance.
Step 4 Client Views Invitation Link
- After confirming the agreement, the rebate account and invitation link will be displayed on the Dashboard > Referral link page.
- The client will also receive a confirmation email containing the invitation link.
Kindly refer to the following step-by-step explanation for the client operation process and status (additional IB rebate account):
Step 1 Client Receives Login Information
- After OP complete the client's request for the additional IB agreement and sets up the rebate account, the client will receive a confirmation email containing the login information.
Step 2 Client Logs into the Client Portal
- Upon logging into the client portal, the client can switch the language using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.
Step 3 In the IB Portal, the client can select the dropdown menu at the top to view the latest rebate accounts (at the bottom)
- To confirm the additional rebate account's IB agreement, the client should locate the corresponding rebate account number.
Step 4 Click on the newly added rebate account, review the agreement, and click the "Agree" button
Step 5 Upon confirmation, the rebate account will be activated and become effective (An email with IB referral link will be sent)
- The IB Link will not be displayed in the client's IB Portal until the agreement is confirmed.
- Only after the client confirms the agreement will the IB Portal show the complete agreement content and related information.
- By clicking "View more" on the Dashboard > Referral link page, the client can view detailed information about the rebate account.
- The client can view and download their personal IB agreement on the "Referral link" page.
- For rebate account specs, please refer to 【3】General Rebate Account Specs and Rebate Range for Each Standard Account Type