How to apply for a test live account?
Kindly refer to the following steps:
Step 1
Provide the following information:
- Name
- Account Type (Raw ECN/Standard STP/VIP and Swap Free option)
- Currency
- Leverage Ratio (1000 and 500-100)
- Deposit Amount
- Deposit Method (must be an actual option on the Client Portal)
- Server (MT4/MT5, certain servers only)
Step 2
Obtain approval from the Head of Sales. A deposit amount higher than $50,001 (including $50,001) should be approved by HOB Mark, and the Sales team attach the approval to Trading team in the Fresh ticket.
Step 3
Sales team sends the request to
- Only the sales team can apply for this request, not clients directly.
- is for internal use only and should not be shared with clients.
Deposit/Withdrawal Comment
Will add text "VT-" in the front of the comment for distinguishment
Account Amount
Up-limit: 150 accounts (including existing accounts) in total on all servers
Overall Funds on all servers
1. Balance Restriction: One TLA deposit deposit over $50,000 should provide approval from Mark
2. No up-limit, but the total funds for all the TLAs on all servers is $10,000,000
Account Number Section
Start with 7 and have 9 figures (i.e. 700000000)
Expiry Period
1. 3 Months.
2. Trading team will gather the TLA data quarterly and ask each HOD to evaluate the accounts
3. The final list will be audited by Mark
History Orders Modifications
1. Modify/Delete/Import Order, all requests should provide approval from Mark, and the Sales team should attach it to the ticket to Trading team on Fresh.
2. Maximum balance: $100,000 USD
3. Maximum order: 300 orders, imported by one time
Account Type
STD, ECN, VIP and Swap-Free for each type
USD and USC only
MT4: VT2 (NY)
MT4: VT9 (LD)
MT4: VT7 (USC only)
MT4: VT3 (for Vtrade CopyTrading,can only create Provider)
MT5: MT5