VT Markets BIT release note 24/12/2024
1.[Admin Portal]-Campaign Settings
Description:In Offline Rewards Campaign > Campaign App Assets,
a. if Content checkbox is tick during Add/Edit mode, remains tick when view record.
b.Add Steps Guide in multiple language
c.Copy campaign > Upload banner for different language
2.[Admin Portal]-Campaign Settings
Description:a.When a user ‘Audit’ a campaign template where status = Pending, highlight the field label in yellow and bold it
b.As a user, I am able to know which field was changed
3.[DaVinci Reports]
Description:DaVinci report withdrawal status default value new status.
The default for withdraw is only completed, which is changed to:
a.Deposit/Withdraw Report: completed +success
b.Credit Card Details report: completed +success +partial success
[APP Admin Portal]-FTD data optimization
a.Repair FTD logic and make FTD data accurate
Maintain the existing Retail FTD data code logic description (no adjustments are involved this time):
The user source is app registration, cxd is empty or contains "_APP", there is FTD, non-IB/IB subordinate/CPA/RAF type customer
b.The panel of Affiliate List needs to display Retail FTD
Adjust APP-FTD location, add Retail FTD overview, and replace original FTD data